All About Support!
Newsletter #001
Hello and welcome to what I hope to be the first of many informative newsletters. I'll try not to make these too long because I'm sure most of you are time poor like myself. This gets me to my first topic! I'm hoping by now that all of my clients know that I offer support packages starting at 3 hours and working up to 60. Support packages have a lifespan of 5 years and the more hours you get the larger the discount on the package. This means that you can save up to $1,860 off my hourly rate if you take out a 60 HR support package.
What work can be done on these support packages?
These packages aren't just limited to website content or website creation, you may not know this but I can also provide video editing, audio engineering, product photography, troubleshoot I.T. and email problems (although some of these are covered under my hosting package), also graphic artwork for flyers business cards roll up banners and digital media ads.
Packages are Upgradable
Yes that's right, you can started a 3 hour package and if that gets used in six months you can upgrade to a 5, 10 or 15 HR etc. only paying the difference in price between the two packages. Upgrading extends the hours only but not expiry date. So you can keep on upgrading your packages within the five-year limit until you reach the highest package of 60 hours.
Thanks for your time and please let me know how I can help with your business.