Does Your Business Run Entirly on Facebook
I have been told stories from clients on how Facebook has either banned, suspended or closed their accounts because of post violations or being suspected spamming accounts when they are not. So what you say, and I'm also one of those people who think good riddance to a bad idea that is Facecrapbook. Facebook use to be great, a fabulous tool that connected friends in a way we weren't used to. But now it's an endless scrolling TV ad full of witless prattle of benign people being nice to you with the only agenda of selling you something or trying to scam you in some way.
Over a year ago someone gained access to my Face-terd account and removed my personal account from my DP Web Design Page (weird hey, why stop there). I later on discovered that some of my old devices that I sold were still in my Facebook devices list, thinking this might be the way they accessed I naturally deleted them. This still doesn't make sense to me, as I wipe my devices when I sell them any way. So, as much as it is a pain in the butt, I enabled 2-Factor authentication on my Face-boob account. At least once every month, I'd still get a "We received a request to reset your Facebook password" email as someone tries to access my account. Until finally in April 2022 at 2:37am an email came through, "We noticed an unusual login from a device or location you don't usually use. Was this you?" It was someone in Sydney??? Nope not me, logged in you say, I laughed "good luck, that account has 2-Factor authentication, impossible". But then, nine minutes later, another email, it reads...
You have 30 days to request a review
Hi Danny,
Your Facebook account has been disabled. This is because your account, or activity on it, doesn't follow our Community Standards.
If you think we disabled your account by mistake, we can take you through a few steps to request a review. You'll need to complete these steps within 30 days to avoid your account being permanently disabled.
Then five minutes later another email, it reads...
Hi Danny,
It looks like someone may have accessed your Facebook account. To secure your account, you'll need to answer a few questions and change your password the next time you go to Facebook.
For your protection, no one can see you on Facebook until you secure your account.
I get my sleepy arse out of bed at 9am, see all this and reset my password, once reset Face-dump tells me I've violated its terms and I need to request a review, like a good robot I do this, then my account is inaccessible, and this message is the only one I see.
Review requested
If we find that your posts or comments didn't follow our Community Standards, your account will remain disabled.
We're always looking out for the security of people on Facebook, so while your posts and comments are reviewed you can't use Facebook.
Good luck trying to resolve this as I've look all over the internet, and I laughed so hard when I saw these (so called) help guides...
"There is no set time limit or time frame for the Facebook review. Some users may find that their Facebook account is recovered relatively quickly within a few hours or days, others may find their account takes much longer, such as a few weeks or even months, and unfortunately, other users can wait indefinitely, with Facebook ultimately not unblocking an account. A typical time frame is anywhere from 48 hours to 45 days." [source] - OMG that's hysterical, what a timeframe!
Can you actually talk to someone on Facebook?
Whilst you can contact a Facebook representative for certain issues, you are unable to do so for any issue related to technical support, which an account review and a disabled account falls under. So no, you cannot talk to someone on Facebook about your disabled account. [source]
So at this point you're saying "stick a dummy in it and stop whining ya big baby" and I'm with you there, I really couldn't give a hoot!
But think of the following, if another Facebook robot decides to close your account, what if...
- You've purchased an $800 Oculus Quest 2 that requires a FaceCRAP account, and you've spent over $500 in games on that account, if they close that account you've lost your purchases (I did, and most probably will)
- You've signed in to almost everywhere using the sign in with Facebook feature, that will be fun getting access to all those sites, online stores etc. (I have, but not too many)
- Your business is 100% dependent on Facebook, you communicate with a majority of your clients using messenger, you've setup products and services and autoresponders. Well, that STOPS DEAD! (My business is not dependent on Facebook in any way, I've made it that way)
In short, If you run a business that relies on FaceBoob it can be shut down instantly, your income will slow or stop because a bot/script deemed your account unfit or in violation of the FaceCrap 10 commandments. You will not be able to talk to a real person or email support, you will be sent in a laughable endless loop of internal help topics that solve nothing.
Take control of your business... get a website.